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The Virtuous Woman Prayer Journal will allow each person, whether married or single, to spend time in God’s word. Quality time spent communicating with God in prayer offers the opportunity to form a closer and more robust relationship with the Father. Writing each prayer will become your own private time to share the things that concern you personally with the Father. This time spent in prayer will build a stronger, virtuous character, which will allow us to become the highly blessed women we desire to be before God. The more time spent in prayer, the stronger we grow spiritually.


Speaking God’s word during prayer helps deepen the level of interaction and communion with God. The Father responds by fulfilling the promises of his word. This reminder in our prayers to the Father, acknowledges him as God who is faithful to fulfill his purpose!


This journal will foster a life of communion with God our Father by lifting up in prayer all that are in need and creating an atmosphere of spiritual warfare against the enemy. Each reader participating in The Virtuous Woman Prayer Journal will come away with more faith and more confidence in communicating effectively with God.

The Virtuous Woman Prayer Journal

SKU: 978096448402
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